Exchange center my-Xchange — a proven and reliable partner in the market of e-currency exchanges.

Exchange rate
1.080 WMZ Webmoney
1.000 EUR PayPal
Minimum amount 50.00 WMZ Webmoney
Fee 36.00% not less 0.000 WMZ
Reserves 1000.00 EUR PayPal
  • 1 DO NOT TRY to transfer funds to PayPal accounts registered in Russia and Ukraine. PayPal’s work in Russia has been suspended, and Ukrainian accounts can only receive donations, we CANNOT send donations due to PayPal restrictions on our part. Funds for such applications will be returned minus the commission!
  • 2

    Exchange Webmoney to PayPal

    we carry for more than 17 years! You can rely on our experience in working with such capricious payment system as


    Payment services, hosting, goods via PayPal, all this you can implement in our service. If you do not have accounts at Paypal, but you need to make

    exchange WMZ and WMR to PayPal

    , carefully read how this can be done via the link on the form.
  • 3 After registration and payment applications

    exchange WebMoney on Peypal

    Your application will be processed in 2-6 hours. Even if our support is not online, you can post a request for exchange, it does not affect the timing of its execution. Also, you can speed up the operation to 1 hour by paying an additional fee.

Exchange Webmoney to PayPal